KLDB, KLCC & Cost Norm Committee

KLDB, KLCC & Cost Norm Committee

  • Govt. does not provide any working capital for KL operation except Salary of Regular staff.
  • Entire Working Fund Advance is arranged by OFDC by availing DRI loan and taking proceeds from KL Joint account.
  • Kendu Leaf Development Board (KLDB) under the Chairmanship of Hon'ble Chief Minister, Odisha is the apex policy making body.
  • KLDB fixes the kerry rate and decides the Welfare measures to be given to the beneficiaries.
  • Cost norm committee meeting under the Chairmanship of PCCF(KL) prepares the annual budget and recommends the same to KLCC for approval.
  • Kendu Leaf Co-ordination Committee (KLCC) under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary, Odisha approves the budget and monitors progress of KL operations. It is held twice a year.