Kendu leaf Working in Odisha
Kendu leaves in Odisha, is an important forest produce and natural resource and plays a vital role in the lives of poor people especially tribals of our state. KL trade provides employment during lean summer by generating more than 100 lakh mandays annually, when there is no agricultural work or any other substantial wage earning opportunity. It is popularly known as "Green Gold" of Odisha. The uniqueness of Odisha Kendu leaves is its processed form. No other state produces processed kendu leaves except Odisha. Kendu leaves found in Balangir district is considered as the best quality kendu leaf in the entire country.
Odisha is the third highest producer of Kendu leaves next to MP and Chhatisgarh. The annual production of Kendu leaves is around 3.0 lakh qtls which is about 20 % of the country's annual production. It is found in 22 districts (40 Revenue Sub Divisions and 168 CD Blocks) excluding districts of Gajapati, Puri, Khurdha, Kendrapada, Jagatsinghpur, Jajpur, Bhadrak and Balasore.
Kendu leaf trade in Odisha was nationalized in the year 1973. Since its nationalization, collection and processing of KL are being done by KL Organisation, whereas disposal and sale of Kendu leaves have been entrusted to Odisha Forest Development Corporation (OFDC). The kendu leaf wing is headed by Principal chief Conservator of Forests (Kendu leaves). The field establishment comprises of 3 kendu leaf Circles, 19 Kendu leaf Divisions, 42 KL Sub- Divisions and 149 KL ranges.
Types of KL working
- There are 3 types of KL working- i) Processed, ii) Phal & iii) GL
- In entire Jeypore&Nabarangpur KL Divisions and in parts of Khariar Division, it is Phal system. Green leaves are sold as such without Drying & Processing and sold in Advance sale. In case, the Lots remain unsold in Advance sale, these Lots are departmentally worked out.
- In process area, leaves are graded into Grade-I to IV quality of 5 kg bundle as per the colour, texture, size, leaf condition, etc. 12 such bundles are packed in gunny bags thereby containing net weight of 60 kg. 100 such bags equivalent to 60 quintals are sold as KL Lots.
- Some growers in Sambalpur and Angul district area pluck leaves from their recorded plots and instead of offering green leaves, process the same and offer in our phadis. The rate of GL is Rs 6000/Qtl.
- Phal production contribute about 15 – 20% of total production.
Kendu Leaf Operations
- Constitution of Phadi Committee and preparation of Micro-Plan
- Bush Cutting
- Repair & Maintenance of Phadis
- Collection of Kendu leaves
- Drying and Storage of Kendu Leaves
- Processing, Binding & Bagging
- Transportation
- Lot formation, Delivery, Sale & Lifting
Phadi Committee And Micro-Plan
- Role of the phadi committee is both advisory and supervisory.
- KL pluckers, bush cutting labourers and all other category of labourers involved in KL working including seasonal workers i.e. Munshi and Phadi Sathi are the members of the General body of phadi committee.
- The General Body nominates / selects 10 to 12 persons adequately represented by women, SC & ST to from the phadi committee. Phadi committee meetings are held in the month of February before Bush cutting.

Bush Cutting
- As per tradition and custom, Basanta Panchami day is treated as the day of commencement of KL working in Odisha.
- Bush cutting operation is usually done as per micro plan prepared in consultation with phadi committee.
- Usually taken up in the month of Feb-Mar depending upon the local weather condition in 2-4 phases. Far and hilly areas are executed first and the nearby areas of the villages in later phases.
- Bush cutting labourers are treated as 'semi-skilled'.
- Sharpened spades are used. No stump will be left uncut as old bushes may cause infection to the sprouted leaves.
- Care is taken to cut the bushes 1" below the ground and without splitting of the stump.
- After sprouting, tender shoots are prone to browsing by cattle. So, watch & ward are provided to safe guard the tender shoots.
- Kendu Leaf production depends on the extent of area coppiced. During 2024, 6.64 lakh Ha. area was coppiced generating 9.87 lakh mandays with an expenditure of Rs. 40.21 Crores. 2.25 lakh bush cutter were involved in process from 17.02.2024 to 28.03.2024. During 2023, 6.47 lakh Ha. area were coppiced generating 9.83 lakh mandays with an expenditure of Rs 36.67 Crores.

Repair & Maintenance of Phadis
- There are three types of phadi houses i.e. Permanent, Semi permanent and Temporary
- The roofs are either thatched / Naria tiled / GCI sheets. The walls are brushwood/mud walled/sundried brick/ burnt brick with cement plaster.
- Anti-termite treatment on the floor of the phadi house helps in preventing damage from white ant.
- The processes of repair and maintenance of phadies are completed before kendu leaves are purchased.
- After processing is completed and KL bags are transported, Phadi houses are used otherwise byvillagers
- There are around 7,300 phadies/ collection centers in the states.

KL Sprouting

Collection of Kendu leaves
- After 45-50 days of bush cutting in a particular command area, the kendu leaves mature and become ready for plucking depending upon soil & weather condition.
- Defective leaves having marks of pox, insect attack, hail stone, over matured or tender leaves are not fit for bidi making.
- KL Kerries are purchased at Phadies and collection centers.
- The cost of KL kerries are fixed by KLDB. It is Rs.1.60 per Kerry (20 leaves) in process areas & Rs.3.20 per Kerry (40 leaves) in Phal areas. During 2024, 115.39 Crores kerries were purchased with kerri cost of Rs 210.48 Crores. There are about 8.6 lakh pluckers.

Year | No of Kerries Collected | Rate per Kerry | PPKL Amount | |||||
Process | Phal | Total | Process | Phal | Process | Phal | Total | |
2016 | 1,416,230,840 | 203,098,715 | 161,93,29,555 | 0.7 | 1.4 | 991,361,588 | 284,338,201 | 127,56,99,789 |
2017 | 1,653,302,515 | 168,550,175 | 182,18,52,690 | 0.8 | 1.6 | 1,322,642,012 | 269,680,280 | 159,23,22,292 |
2018 | 1,219,107,607 | 157,386,295 | 137,64,93,902 | 1 | 2 | 1,219,107,607 | 314,772,590 | 153,38,80,197 |
2019 | 820,038,075 | 142,961,237 | 96,29,99,312 | 1 | 2 | 820,038,075 | 285,922,474 | 110,59,60,549 |
2020 | 790,400,665 | 103,020,002 | 89,34,20,667 | 1.2 | 2.4 | 948,480,798 | 247,248,005 | 119,57,28,803 |
2021 | 1,119,570,640 | 135,039,461 | 125,46,10,101 | 1.2 | 2.4 | 1,343,484,768 | 324,094,706 | 166,75,79,474 |
2022 | 1,163,502,970 | 145,701,275 | 130,92,04,245 | 1.4 | 2.8 | 1,628,904,158 | 407,963,570 | 203,68,67,728 |
2023 | 1,098,981,345 | 150,522,860 | 124,95,04,205 | 1.4 | 2.8 | 1,538,573,883 | 421,464,008 | 196,00,37,891 |
2024 | 99,23,44,805 | 16,15,88,790 | 115,39,33,595 | 1.6 | 3.2 | 158,77,51,688 | 51,70,84,128 | 210,48,35,816 |
Classification of leaves
Depending on colour, texture, size, and body condition of leaves, kendu leaves during processing time are classified into following categories.
- IV- Upto 12 Cm
- IIVM - 12 Cm to 15 Cm
- IIV S -15 Cm to 18 Cm
- IIII- Same as IV S
- III- 18 Cm to 22 Cm
- II– more than 22 Cm
Drying and Storage of Kendu Leaves
- Pluckers carry the KL kerries to collection center known as phadi and deliver the same to the person in-charge i.e. Munsi.
- The kerries are spread in ten rows of ten kerries in each row (10x10) known as chatta (100kerries) in the drying yard.
- Drying yard are levelled without any overhead shade and to remain dry and free from white ant.
- Sandy river bed and Stoney surfaces are best for drying.
- Proper drying is very important which results in good quality leaves.
- After 3 days of drying, when the top cover leaf turns red, the kerries are turned upside down and dried for further 3 to 4 days.
- After proper drying of KL kerries i.e. 7-8 days after purchase when both the cover leaves turn red, dry KL kerries are carried to phadi houses.
- On the next day the dry kerries are stored in stack inside the phadi house called Rachei.
- Rachei is important to set the leaves flattened and easy sorting out to different quality class and to accommodate more kerries in less space.
- After completion of Rachei, the stacked KL Kerries are covered by dry twigs/straw and door of the phadi is sealed from outside.

Processing, Binding & Bagging
- For processing and bagging, skilled labourers are engaged known as binding laborers.
- The processing, bundling and bagging is carried out under the supervision of binding checker / binding moharrir in-charge in binding center.
- Dry kenduleafkerries are softened by sprinkling water before processing to avoid crack. This process of softening is known as 'Mulayam'.
- Kerries heaped, sprinkled with required quantity of water by spray machine and kept fully covered with tarpaulin for about 5 to 6 hours till dry kerries become soft and pliable enough to be handled.
- Proper mulayam is achieved by sprinkling required quantity of water.
- Mulayam kerries are brought to the binding khunti for grading and bundling. The leaves in kerries are sorted as per quality specification and then binding done to bundle of 5kg net weight.
- Extra red cover leaves are used on either side of the bundle for padding i.e. 60 nos. in lower side and 40 nos. in upper side.
- Siali fiber (Bauhinia vahlii) string is used to bind the bundle.
- Desired pressure is put by using of pressing Khunti to bring the bundles to required size of 24" height.
- The bundles after processing are kept as such for 24 hours to ensure drying up of excess moisture.
- Bagging is done by putting 12 bundles in a bag made out of hessian cloth. Each Bag contains 60 KG of Bidi leaves.
- The bags are stenciled with quality /grade, unit no. Range name, Phadi code no., Division name and year of operation.

- Processed bags weighing around 64-65 kg, duly certified by the binding center in-charge are transported to nearest CG of the range by the strength of permit i.e. form No. 6.
- The CG in-charge receives the bags after verifying weighment of bags and marks the CG Sl. No. on them.
- The Range officer intimates the SDM, OFDC Ltd. regarding the receipt position of the KL bags for delivery.
- The OFDC Ltd. forms the lot in association with Forest Department staff depending upon the quality/grade of the bag.
- Each lot consists of 100 bags equivalent to 60 Qtls. representing more or less of equal grade.
- OFDC Ltd. takes action for disposal of KL lots through e-Auction/Tender sale as per the schedule programme.
- On receipt of intimation from concerned Divisional Manager, OFDC Ltd., permits are issued to the purchasers for lifting of the sold lots from CG.

Lot formation, Delivery, Sale & Lifting
- The Range officer intimates the SDM, OFDC Ltd. regarding the receipt position of the KL bags for delivery.
- The OFDC Ltd. forms the lot in association of Forest Department staff depending upon the quality/grade of the bag.
- Each lot consists of 100 bags equivalent to 60 Qtls. representing more or less of equal grade.
- OFDC Ltd. takes action for disposal of KL lots through e-Auction/Tender sale as per the schedule programme.
- On receipt of intimation from concerned Divisional Manager, OFDC Ltd., permits are issued to the purchasers for lifting of the sold lots from CG.

Seasonal Staff
- To assist the field staff, there are around 17,000 Seasonal staff of various categories working in kendu leaf organisation.
- Their superannuation age is 62 years.
- Some are engaged on monthly remuneration basis while others are engaged on daily waged basis.
- Besides, they are also paid TE & cycle allowance.
- They are also given Incentives and other allowances from trade surplus.
- They have been covered under EPF
- They are also being paid Gratuity after superannuation.
- One Seasonal Staff Welfare Trust has been constituted. They are enrolled every year by paying nominal fees of 0.1% of their annual wages. In case of their death/permanent disability, their nominees are paid compassionate grant of Rs.2.00 lakh.
Category |
Nos. engaged |
Monthly Wage Rate |
Engagement Period |
Head Checker |
112 |
26420 |
12 Months |
Circle Checker |
447 |
21197 |
9 Months |
Binding Checker |
538 |
17688 |
5 Months |
Checker |
1951 |
17688 |
4 Months |
Munshi |
7274 |
15215 |
4 Months |
Chaparasi |
5536 |
12385 |
3 Months |
Category |
Nos. engaged |
Daily Wage Rate |
Engagement Period |
Permanent Watcher |
662 |
Rs.452/ 502/ 552 |
12 Months |
Temporary Watcher |
456 |
Rs.452/ 502/ 552 |
3 Months |
Driver |
19 |
Rs. 552/ 602 |
12 Months |
Office Assistance |
28 |
Rs. 552/ 602 |
12 Months |
1. Permanent Watchers & Temporary Watchers are paid Unskilled/Semi Skilled/ Skilled labour rate depending ontheir length of service i.e. up to 10 years/ 10-15 years/ more than 15 years
2. Drivers & Office Asst. are paid Skilled/ Highly Skilled labour rate depending on their length of service i.e. up to 10 years/ more than 10 years